Публикую этот текст по просьбе моего друга Мэйса Ли.
As you might have already learned from media all over the world, the Sichuan province of China has suffered from the country's biggest earthquake for 30 years. More than 50,000 people may have died in the disaster according to official estimate. Here is the coverage of this event on BBC: [
news.bbc.co.uk] ... 8/china_quake/default.stm
I, together with thousands of Chinese living overseas, are desperately trying to help our homeland. Please consider donation to help our people. Here is a list of ways you can help:
(1) Through British RedCross: [
* Convenient creditcard or debitcard payment online through a trusted name. UK tax payer may increase the value of your donation through GiftAid (tax relief).
(2) Though big charity Oxfam: [
* Again convenient creditcard or debitcard payment online through another trusted name. Oxfam's Hong Kong branch acted really rapidly in response to this event.
(3) If you want to donate using Paypal or GoogleCheckout, please consider using this website: [
* This is a new organisation formed by oversea Chinese, many of which Tsinghua University Alumni (I personally graduated from there 10 years ago). I donated through this site today and see it very reliable and transparently operated. Also Google and Paypal have kindly agreed to waive all the transaction fees so all your donations go to help the people.
As as way to say 'thank you', if you do make a donation and forwarded a receipt of any kind to support (at) go4go.net, I will add your email address to a mailing list receiving free weekly delivery of professional game records from Go4Go for the next 1 year.
If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me at
support@go4go.net. I thank you in advance for your kindly support!
Yours Sincerely,
Mace @ Go4Go.net
Если кто-то хочет помочь, но не может воспользоваться способами перечисленными выше. Напишите о своем желании в этой ветке. Попробуем найти способы перевода денег через Яндекс деньги и Вебмани.
Александр Динерштейн,
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