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Установлен новый приз 5 млн $ за программу которая побьет 5 дан

Владимир на rugo.ru Гость
09, June, 2004 20:49   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Now Professor Elwyn Berlekamp has upped the ante by offering US$5,000,000 to the first computer program that can beat a 5-dan player, which is equivalent to a strong expert player.

Professor Berlekamp is a wealthy venture capitalist who is attached to the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the University of California at Berkeley. Professor Berlekamp and his team are developing a mathematical theory of GO. So far their accomplishments have been modest: they have only succeeded in formulating a theory for the very end of the game, where the moves are only worth two points. They are presently working to extend this theory to cover endgames where the value of moves are worth up to four points. His book, "Mathematical Go Endgames", is available from Ishi Press.

А вот и его страничка [math.berkeley.edu]

Re: Установлен новый приз 5 млн $ за программу которая побьет 5 дан
DOCTOR на rugo.ru Ценитель Го
10, June, 2004 09:53   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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