Для любитлей написать Го программу
Может кому пригодится... уже готовый Mori's Go Development Kit(GDK)
This is the Board class which implements all necessary rules and functions of Go.
This Board class can
Draw board for various sizes.( ex. 19x19, 13x13, 9x9)
Make moves while removing surrounded stones, and forbid any forbidden moves.
Make moves on which mouse is clicked.(You can disable this.)
Undo/Redo moves
Start games with handicap stones
The class still can't count territories.
Board class API doc for more information.
Trivial class for handling stone's position.
The Board class itself can't be an applet or an application. That is, it doesn't work by itself.
That's because it is the derived class of java.awt.Canvas in order to make the class more reusable as a component.
Thus, you have to add the class to container class such as java.awt.Applet or java.awt.Panel.
This source shows you how to use Board class in your applet.