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Подфорум курирует А. Динерштейн

Комментарии к 3-ей партии финала ЧМ LG

breakfast на rugo.ru Эксперт Го
20, April, 2005 14:11   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Думаю, что многим интересно будет сравнить мои комментарии для Го4Го и разбор партии от Xie He, 5-дан про (Китай).
Вот что получилось у меня:
2005-04-18 9th LG Cup, final 3
Cho U vs Yu Bin, B+R

GM[1]FF[4]VW[]AP[Many Faces of Go:11.0]
PB[Cho U]
PW[Yu Bin]
EV[9th LG Cup]
RO[final, game3];B[qd]
C[This is the 3rd game from the final of the 9th LG Cup. Black \
is Cho U, 9-dan. White is Yu Bin, 9-dan]
C[The plan is unusual -]
C[The pincer is natural -]
C[A rare move, but now the plan is logic -]
C[The most solid answer -]

C[The wrong shape -]
C[Black is happy to keep sente]
C[Again Yu Bin, 9-dan is playing for territory -]
C[A joseki]
C[A bad exchange for White. It would be normal to defend solidly \
at X]
C[Later the kosumi at X is sente for Black, so White cannot be \

C[Kosumi at X is little bit better -]
C[White's position is thick, but overconcentrated]
C[White can think about the attachment at X -]
C[The tennuki is rather strange -]
C[An overplay. It is still better to escape at X]
C[A huge move. The side is not invadeable anymore, so Black has \
a clear lead on territory]
C[The vital point]
C[White must think about the kosumi at X]
C[A solid answer]
C[A bad exchange for White, making Black stronger]
C[Black's shape is powerful and the marked stone cannot be attacked \
C[Too passive, but it seems that White has no other way]

C[Black makes some territory in the centre and now the position looks \
hopeless for White. He is almost 10 points behind.]
C[It is urgent for White to destroy the side]
C[It would be difficult for Black to kill the invader]
C[It would be difficult for Black to use the attachment]
C[This is another possibility (influence-oriented)]
C[It is not typical for Yu Bin, 9-dan to play for influence, but \
actually this is the best way for White]
C[The result of this variation considered to be favourable for \
C[The fight would be difficult for Black]
C[This is the standard pattern, but the pincer would be painful \
for Black]
C[White's construction would be perfect]
C[This is the classic pattern]

А так разобрал Xie He(перевод с китайского):

GM[1]FF[4]VW[]AP[Many Faces of Go:11.0]
PB[Cho U]
PW[Yu Bin]
PC[Seoul, Korea]
EV[9th LG Cup final game 3]
C[As always, Black plays the high approach of B3, perhaps Cho U \
thinks this move is inevitable.]
C[B5: Black starts to vary, in the first game, Black attaches the \
upper-left corner.]
C[B9 is a unique thinking, Cho U's opening is always relatively \
C[The large knight's approach of W14 is Yu Bin's favorite play, \
if Black makes the diagonal at 'a', White will make two-space \
extension, it is simple and clear.]
C[Black counterattacks with B15, it is just the place White wants \
to make extension. Enemy's good point is also my good point.]
C[W16: For White to attach at 'a' is common joseki, next B 'b', \
W16, B 'c', W 'd', B 'e', W 'f', B 'g', W 'h' and B 'i'. This \
way White gets to turn around his body, but in this situation, \
White's configuration in the upper left corner is not satisfying.]
C[If B17 at 'a', White will not cut at 17 but play hane at 'b' \
instead, Black is not good.]
C[W18: White can consider to jump at 'a', next B18, W 'b' and B \
'c', White obtains sente and can play at 'd'.]

C[W20 is a novel play. The common play is to extend at 'a', followed \
by B 'b', W 'c', B20, W 'd' and B 'e'. White is indeed a little \
dissatisfied in this variation, not sure whether Teacher Yu had \
studied W20 or not, never saw this before.]
C[B23 and W24 are miai good points, both are very big. The simple \
hane of W24 is better than cutting at 'a'. This forms a new variation, \
White is very thick, Black's speed is faster, so this variation \
is about even.]
C[W30: White can atari at 'a', next B 'b', W 'c', B 'd' and W 'e'. \
In the game, Teacher Yu selects simple and clear play.]
C[B33: Black wants to take advantage in sente.]
C[W34 is good sequence, if B 'a', then W 'b'. If White simply plays \
at 'b', later on White can't strike at 34 any more.]
C[B35 is tenacious counterattack, Cho U is reluctant to incur loss. \
Because Black has the triangled stone, after White pushes and \
cuts, White can't capture the square-marked black stone.]
C[W36: White doesn't have more severe tactic. So far, W34 seems \
questionable, White overlooks Black's counterattack.]
C[B39: If Black connects at 'a', next W 'b', B 'c' and W 'd', Black \
will be captured in a ladder. B39 doesn't achieve the effect \
of ladder breaker.]
C[B41 again is an attachment! This move is similar to B29 in the \
game 1. But today in this situation it is not a bad move. Because \
Black has no weak groups on the board, White's thickness can't \
be effectively utilized.]
C[B45 is the right shape. Because in the upper left corner, Black \
is always left with the aji of connecting out, White is also \
not easy to strengthen, so in the opening Black is a little favorable.]
C[White attaches with W46 then takes tenuki, it is very strange.]

C[B51 is hard to understand, later one when ladder is favorable, \
connecting out is very severe. Cho U has favorable consciousness.]
C[B53 is a big move. On the board, Black is leading about 20 points \
in territory. Objectively, Teacher Yu meets a difficult problem.]
C[W54 is not a bad move, very thick.]
C[B57 is the shape, here Black can't allow White to strike inside.]
C[White exploits Black with the sequence from W58 to B62, Black \
is a little uncomfortable.]
C[W66: White should play hane at 'a', next B 'b', W 'c', B 'd' \
and W 'e', this way Black is thin.]
C[After Black connects with B67, how to use White's thickness is \
a question.]
C[W68 capturing two stone is the biggest move on the board. Now \
the board size becomes smaller, White's territory is still inadequate, \
White's situation is not optimistic.]

C[After this move, it is time for lunch break.]
C[W82 is a tesuji, testing Black's answer. Black has two choices: \
extend and descend.]
C[W86 is tight, if B 'a', White can obtain a big territory by playing \
at 'b'.]
C[W90 is strong and unyielding. White at the bottom is very thick \
and not afraid of Black's cut. In this area White obtains some \
territory, White's situation takes a better turn.]
C[B95 and B97 is weird order. If W 'a', then B 'b', Black definitely \
will not sacrifice B95 easily.]
C[W100: White wants to obtain sente, if B 'a', then W 'b', B 'c' \
and W 'd', this big endgame is worth 10+ points.]
C[B101 and B103 are good counterattack moves.]
C[Through B105, White in the center is a little thin.]
C[Now the game already enters into endgame fight, White's situation \
is still a little inferior.]
C[W112: White fights desperately.]
C[B117 is calm, White is not easy to handle.]
C[B121 is big. Black is leading 10+ points on the board.]
C[W122 and B123 are all big endgames. Today Cho U's state is very \

Осталось найти Корейский и Японский варианты анализа :)

Александр Динерштейн,
Go lessons [breakfast.go4go.net]
Разобранные партии [www.go4go.net]
Журнал "Гоама" [gogame.info]
Новости с серверов Го [GoSensations.com]

Re: Комментарии к 3-ей партии финала ЧМ LG
breakfast на rugo.ru Эксперт Го
20, April, 2005 14:19   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Осталось выяснить, почему партии не загружаются ...

Александр Динерштейн,
Go lessons [breakfast.go4go.net]
Разобранные партии [www.go4go.net]
Журнал "Гоама" [gogame.info]
Новости с серверов Го [GoSensations.com]

Re: Комментарии к 3-ей партии финала ЧМ LG
Teh. Director на rugo.ru Ценитель Го
20, April, 2005 17:12   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Александр, к сожалению партии с текстом длиннее 4 кб (а с комментариями они как правило длиннее) пока не грязятся флешгобаном, когда их текст передается строкой адреса (как у нас на форуме). Со временем этот механизм будет переделан... но нужно некоторое свободное время под это...

<По техническим вопросам форума и портала weiqi.ru можно обращаться ко мне td#weiqi#ru.>
Qui parcit nocentibus, innocentes punit - Кто щадит виновных, тот наказывает невинных.
Бортовой журнал: [dimdimka.weiqi.ru]

Re: Комментарии к 3-ей партии финала ЧМ LG
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
20, April, 2005 17:54   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Странно, ведь это "тот самый" Кси Хе, который входит в элиту китайского го...

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