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Цитата:Страховщик освобождается от страховой выплаты в случае гибели, утраты, повреждения застрахованного имущества в результате умысла страхователя или выгодоприобретателя. При этом под умышленными деяниями, совершенными страхователем или выгодоприобретателем, признаются деяния самого страхователя или выгодоприобретателя, а также их представителей, если они знали или должны были знать о негативных последствиях своих действий (бездействия), согласно действующим нормативным и другим актам, практики эксплуатации застрахованного имущества.
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Цитата:проблема в том, чтов английском языке "fire" - это и огонь и поджог - омонимы
Цитата:Barron's Insurance Dictionary: Arson
Actual or attempted malicious and deliberate burning of a physical asset owned by another party. Coverage against arson is provided under property insurance, but only if the insured has not committed the arson. The property insurance business has long worked to discourage arson and to prosecute arsonists.
American Heritage Dictionary: Arson
The crime of maliciously, voluntarily, and willfully setting fire to the building, buildings, or other property of another or of burning one's own property for an improper purpose, as to collect insurance.
Columbia Encyclopedia: Arson, at common law, the malicious and willful burning of the house of another. Originally, it was an offense against the security of habitation rather than against property rights. Thus, a tenant could not be convicted of arson for burning the house that he rented from his landlord. Although this rule still holds in some states of the United States, in many others statutes have changed the meaning of the offense. Its application has been extended to buildings, structures, and vehicles that are not dwelling places, and greater stress has been placed on protection of property rights. Some statutes distinguish several degrees of arson, e.g., arson committed at night is considered more serious than arson committed in the daytime. In most states setting fire to one's own property to defraud an insurance company is specified as arson.
Seneka на Гость
Цитата:... для кружка высоколобых умников-верхоглядов
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