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Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.

Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
01, March, 2006 23:47   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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17 марта в пятницу в 19:00 в го-клубе на Никитской сотоится просмотр партий Кубка Инга. Если получится (будет налажена трансляция партий на КГСе + удасться организовать интернет в клубе) будем смотреть прямой эфир партий на большом экране, трансляция из Румынии.
Если не получится, просмотрим те партии, которые выложит Алекс здесь на форуме.
До встречи в чайной!

Отправка отредактированного (02/03/06 00:19)

Значение коми должно быть пересмотрено!

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Seneka на rugo.ru Гость
02, March, 2006 13:17   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    -1     

Можно о кубке поподробнее?

Я спросил у высокого солнца: Как мне вспыхнуть сильнее зари? Ничего не ответило солнце, Но душа услыхала: «Гори»! К. Д. Бальмонт

Прогресс нашей страны не может быть более быстрым, чем прогресс нашего образования. Дж. Кеннеди

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
03, March, 2006 22:49   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Кубок Инга ежегодное мероприятие, собирающее сильнейших игроков Европы. Обычно на него приглашают и тех европейцев, которые являются профессионалами. В этом году из сильнейших игроков на турнире будут играть Динерштейн, Шикшина, Илья Шикшин, Тарану, Гуо Джуан и многие другие. Обычно это очень сильный турнир. Чем-то похож по составу на Кубок Одза.
Мы планируем поболеть за наших в чайнике.

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
egen на rugo.ru Любитель Го
04, March, 2006 14:23   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Очень здоровская идея - посмотреть на Большое Го на Большой стене!

Отправка отредактированного (04/03/06 15:12)

Chisha wa madowazu, yu:sha wa osorezu

Го мое.. [egen.weiqi.ru]

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Aragorn на rugo.ru Учитель Го Черный пояс
04, March, 2006 14:52   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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и дзэнский ответ :)

Стратегия выше цели

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Seneka на rugo.ru Гость
07, March, 2006 12:07   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    -1     

Будет ли в чайнике прямой эфир с КГС?

Где можно посмотреть расписание турнира и таблицу с игроками?

Я спросил у высокого солнца: Как мне вспыхнуть сильнее зари? Ничего не ответило солнце, Но душа услыхала: «Гори»! К. Д. Бальмонт

Прогресс нашей страны не может быть более быстрым, чем прогресс нашего образования. Дж. Кеннеди

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
breakfast на rugo.ru Эксперт Го
07, March, 2006 13:26   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Расписание, состав (пока только кол-во человек от страны):

Александр Динерштейн,
Go lessons [breakfast.go4go.net]
Разобранные партии [www.go4go.net]
Журнал "Гоама" [gogame.info]
Новости с серверов Го [GoSensations.com]

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
breakfast на rugo.ru Эксперт Го
07, March, 2006 20:18   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Я узнал про трансляции на КГС. Обещают первую доску, возможно потянут и несколько других.
Удачных просмотров!

Александр Динерштейн,
Go lessons [breakfast.go4go.net]
Разобранные партии [www.go4go.net]
Журнал "Гоама" [gogame.info]
Новости с серверов Го [GoSensations.com]

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Present на rugo.ru Эксперт Го
07, March, 2006 21:36   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Со дес ка...

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
09, March, 2006 13:56   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Так-с... Будем болеть...

Вопрос трансляции оказался не таким простым, как это выглядело в начале. Дело в том, что при относительной простоте технической реализации, это мероприятие видится как весьма значимое, и здесь встают вопросы статуса, финансовые, социально-психологические.

В настоящий момент мы решаем эти воспросы.

В любом случае трансляцию сделаем!

Значение коми должно быть пересмотрено!

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
breakfast на rugo.ru Эксперт Го
14, March, 2006 09:42   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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Что-то про Сурина ничего не слышно. В списке зарегистрированных его нет.

Registered players:

Invited players:

Fan Hui 7d

Catalin Taranu 5 pro

Alexandre Dinerchtein 1 pro

Guo Juan 5 pro


Andrey Cheburakhov 5d

Andrey Kulkov 6d

Ilya Shikshin 6d


Cristian Pop 7d

Dragos Bajenaru 6d

Cornel Burzo 6d


Michiel Eijkhout 6d

Filip Vander Stappen 5d


Robert Jasiek 5d

Christian Stodte 4d


Dmytro Bogatskyy 6d

Vasyl Skochko 4d

Czech Republic:

Vladimir Danek 6d

Ondrej Silt 6d


Pierre Colmez 5d


Csaba Mero 6d

United Kingdom:

Matt Cocke 5d


Koichiro Habu 4d

Reserve countries ( in order Denmark, Croatia, Finland, Luxembourg) was invited for the free 2 places, last day for registration is 10 March.

We have no positive answer until this date, so Romania

will send other 2 players:

Constantin Ghioc 5d

Daniel Cioata 5d

Александр Динерштейн,
Go lessons [breakfast.go4go.net]
Разобранные партии [www.go4go.net]
Журнал "Гоама" [gogame.info]
Новости с серверов Го [GoSensations.com]

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Seneka на rugo.ru Гость
14, March, 2006 15:36   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    -1     

А где проходит турнир?

Я спросил у высокого солнца: Как мне вспыхнуть сильнее зари? Ничего не ответило солнце, Но душа услыхала: «Гори»! К. Д. Бальмонт

Прогресс нашей страны не может быть более быстрым, чем прогресс нашего образования. Дж. Кеннеди

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
18, March, 2006 22:21   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    0     

мда.... результаты не в нашу пользу....

4-ый тур оказался черным для русских ребят. Никто не выиграл. Причем, во всех партиях наши имели перевес в рейтинге. Мда... не весело.

Сегодня транслировали партию Фан Хуэй - Тарану Каталин. После розыгрыша верхней стороны белые (Фан) получили перевес. В дальнейшем черные активной игрой переломили партию. После образования в центре слабой группы белых партия не могла быть проиграна черными. Увы, им пригрезилась красивая комбинация с уничтожением левого нижнего угла. Комбинация была в самом деле красивой. Возможно из эстетических соображений и стоило так играть. Но стоило немного глубже копнуть, как становилось понятно, что играть так нельзя. Я думаю, что Каталин просто устал считать, и решил пойти на форсированный вариант, который, очевидно, не просчитал Фан. Увы, вариант оказался ловушкой. Возникшая ко борьба была более опасна черным. Они рисковали огромной группой на нижней стороне. После окончания ко борьбы практически партия закончилась. Начало второй ко борьбы за левый низ, которая была цветущей за белых, практически завершила партию...

Удивительно, как быстро можно проиграть выигранную партию! И это на уровне профессионалов!

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
18, March, 2006 22:24   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    0     

PW[EuroIngCup]PB[EuroIngCup]DT[2006-03-18]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at [kgs.kiseido.com]]
;B[kd]CR[kd]C[erna [16k\]: Sorry, but whos playing here?
Sneaky [29k?\]: what's taranu's rank?
LuoKao [9k\]: Catalin Taranu 5p (black) - Fan Hui 2p(white)
erna [16k\]: thx
schmock [22k?\]: silence please! ;)
metropaul: go, Fan Hui !
Sneaky [29k?\]: -.-
Muttley [7k\]: 5p
;B[qn]CR[qn]C[aboulafia [9k?\]: pompom Fan
BuddyL [7k\]: Will be interesting game
bourrique [7k?\]: how many time ?
Javaness [5k\]: i think Catalin will win
Muttley [7k\]: 72 minutes each
bourrique [7k?\]: thx
Muttley [7k\]: + 3*12 minutes overtime
aboulafia [9k?\]: 72 min + 3x12 min, each overtime period being at the cost of 2 points
LuoKao [9k\]: 3x12 byo, 2 points penalty each byo
Muttley [7k\]: costs 2 points per session
LuoKao [9k\]: yay, people read the site, i'm sure they found it... Through EuroIngCup's info in his profile. wow! :p
;B[pj]CR[pj]C[Masurao [-\]: Black opening seems powerful
BuddyL [7k\]: How long has Fan Hui been living in Europe?
Masurao [-\]: Buddy : 5 years now
BuddyL [7k\]: Hrmm
BuddyL [7k\]: 5 years long enough to get soft
BuddyL [7k\]: I like B's chances
;B[oc]CR[oc]C[WoolyMaCha [13k\]: I like B.....uddy
Sneaky [29k?\]: why is the komi 6.5 now?
Celila [11k?\]: forgot to change it, i guess
gelda [13k\]: hehe they are 1 and 2 at the european ranking :)
Marigold [3k\]: komi is 8, Ing rules
idazuwaika [2k\]: is this real time?
bolbi [12k?\]: yep
;B[pc]CR[pc]C[idazuwaika [2k\]: komi 8 must be hard for black
Jahz [9k?\]: B playing very fast ?
Goblovka [13k\]: since when is this penalty stuf for byo/jomi in fashion??
erna [16k\]: Whats Pops ranking in Europe?
bolbi [12k?\]: ing rules
;W[ic]CR[ic]C[LuoKao [9k\]: 7d, erna
erna [16k\]: ok
Ryoji [9k\]: ing rules are interessting, i have played with them on den european youth go championship
idazuwaika [2k\]: white is light
Ryoji [9k\]: den? the ^^
Javaness [5k\]: cap?
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: whoa
Sneaky [29k?\]: how can the 1.5 increase in komi not be a disadvantage for black?
xevad [13k\]: komi should be 9.5
xevad [13k\]: then it would be even
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: go black! :)
Javaness [5k\]: is there a time penalty in simplified Ing ?
Unity [3k\]: not like 8?
konemies [3d\]: i like white's opening
aboulafia [9k?\]: both have won all their previous games
Unity [3k\]: where is this game held?
Javaness [5k\]: ime limit 72 minutes basic time, 3 times 12 minutes overtime per 2 points penalty each.
bolbi [12k?\]: bucharest
Unity [3k\]: k, thx :)
BuddyL [7k\]: I predict one of their perfect records will be ended after this game
Celila [11k?\]: hehe
Jonii [3k\]: Hey, what happened to that other 5p, guo guan or what his name was again?
;B[id]CR[id]C[tmc [?\]: her
Unity [3k\]: her name
BuddyL [7k\]: guojuan, her
Javaness [5k\]: guo lost to fanhui
xevad [13k\]: Fan Hui
Jonii [3k\]: Ok
Javaness [5k\]: [www.go-portal.org]
nilsen [20k\]: Fan always wins...
BuddyL [7k\]: Guo Juan has lived in Germany too long, soft now
HackenLee [5k\]: this is a pro game?
xevad [13k\]: yes
Annemarie [7k?\]: Germany?
HackenLee [5k\]: ok
Muttley [7k\]: except she lives in Holland
Goblovka [13k\]: amsterdam
BuddyL [7k\]: Same thing
Celila [11k?\]: not really germany.. hehe
Celila [11k?\]: lol
Celila [11k?\]: it's not
Unity [3k\]: lol
;W[hd]CR[hd]C[Annemarie [7k?\]: no it isn;t
;B[ie]CR[ie]C[tmc [?\]: The dutch don't think so
Unity [3k\]: no holland is different :P
Sneaky [29k?\]: too many hash brownies
idazuwaika [2k\]: holland is soft?
Goblovka [13k\]: big MISS BuddyL
Unity [3k\]: u can smoke pot there legally :P
Muttley [7k\]: so opinionated
BuddyL [7k\]: For the sake of my argument, it is the same thing
Annemarie [7k?\]: no it's not
Celila [11k?\]: hehe
ricecooker [?\]: cant u just admit ur failure? =.=
Unity [3k\]: noi, holland is different
Javaness [5k\]: sigh
chamaleon [5k?\]: us americans are so ignorant about europe geographics :-)
Unity [3k\]: yeah^^
Sneaky [29k?\]: you say tomato i say potato, same thing.
Tsingis [12k\]: was L16 too risky? why not K16..
domie [5k\]: someone knows who are the other players in this cup ?
xevad [13k\]: 72 mins + 3x 12 mins overtime (2 points penalty for each 12 mins)
Muttley [7k\]: his argument is "They are better than me so I want to say something unpleasant about them"
Javaness [5k\]: [www.go-portal.org]
xevad [13k\]: >_<
Celila [11k?\]: check out the link in the info of euroingcup, domie
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: tsingis, L16 has been played professionally before
BuddyL [7k\]: There is that Dragon Burgovich guy too
domie [5k\]: thx
nkinnear [21k\]: there are 24 people in the tournament
BuddyL [7k\]: I don't know any others
Piser [2k\]: L16 is better becose corner is open
xevad [13k\]: anyone joining the kgs tournament for tomorrow
xevad [13k\]: Asian one
Celila [11k?\]: sum is playing, cornel too
Muttley [7k\]: sum?
Javaness [5k\]: and solaris
Muttley [7k\]: what is his name, Celilia?
Javaness [5k\]: sum=jasiek
Celila [11k?\]: robert jasiek
Muttley [7k\]: thx
Unity [3k\]: robert jasiek
bolbi [12k?\]: sum is robert jasiek
illidan [-\]: Cornel would be lucky to win
idazuwaika [2k\]: and who is robert jasiek?
Celila [11k?\]: = sum
Muttley [7k\]: he's sum
Unity [3k\]: some german 5dan :P
nilsen [20k\]: sum is only 4d!
tmc [?\]: he's a rules expert
nkinnear [21k\]: Dinerstein is in first place
xevad [13k\]: [senseis.xmp.net]
Unity [3k\]: no in germany he is 5dan
Celila [11k?\]: breakfast is playing .. you know a lot of guys there buddy :)
domie [5k\]: am I wrong or they make play together 2 of the bests right at the first round ?
Muttley [7k\]: why isn't the butcher in the pink shirt playing?
Celila [11k?\]: fj?
;B[kc]CR[kc]C[Celila [11k?\]: don't ask me :)
domie [5k\]: lol mutmut
Unity [3k\]: lol+
Idn [5k?\]: il on cbien de temps chacun ?
Muttley [7k\]: heheheh :)
Unity [3k\]: i think bucharest is too far for him
Muttley [7k\]: ok :)
Unity [3k\]: he is living at the border to holland, so pretty far away :P
idazuwaika [2k\]: why is sum rules expert? how hard is Go Rules
Celila [11k?\]: depends on the rules, ida :)
tmc [?\]: I would be worried if p16 was my group
Muttley [7k\]: bent 4, superko
;W[he]CR[he]C[xevad [13k\]: different rules in different places
tmc [?\]: very hard
Unity [3k\]: sum is a rules-freak^^
xevad [13k\]: I dont like Chinese rules
Celila [11k?\]: he wrote something about chinese rules in the last go magazine.. it was discussed for ours at my go club.. hehe
DrStraw [-\]: rules are easy until sum gets involved :)
xevad [13k\]: makes the game weird
BuddyL [7k\]: I could careless about rules, can easily beat up people regardless of how points are counted in the end
Celila [11k?\]: hours*
tesuji [-\]: people who obsess about rules are missing the point
Unity [3k\]: indeed drstraw^^
illidan [-\]: i am pretty obsessed
Muttley [7k\]: that point being?
illidan [-\]: i think Chinese rule is better
Unity [3k\]: thats becuz u r chinese, no? ;)
xevad [13k\]: wha..
schmock [22k?\]: what would you say about D17?
Ryoji [9k\]: this isn't the point here
Isobeutel [7k?\]: who is now playing?
hulken [7k\]: it is easyer to count with japanees rules during the game
domie [5k\]: time to complicate the position no ? :)
tmc [?\]: I like tromp-taylor, despite superko.
marius1 [?\]: sorry, who is playing ?
xevad [13k\]: D17 as white or black
illidan [-\]: less disputes in chinese rules
Javaness [5k\]: black is Catalin Taranu
idazuwaika [2k\]: donald trump?
Javaness [5k\]: white is Fan Hui
illidan [-\]: like bent 4 in corner + a seki somewhere
Isobeutel [7k?\]: thx
LuoKao [9k\]: Catalin Taranu 5p (black) - Fan Hui 2p(white)
marius1 [?\]: thx java
tmc [?\]: John Tromp
metropaul: if white plays there first, he will D18 rather than D17
Unity [3k\]: how come there r less disputes?
schmock [22k?\]: as white, i had set D17
schmock [22k?\]: would had i mean ;)
Ordiac [7k\]: hi all just got in this a relay game ?
BuddyL [7k\]: d17 bad for W there
Muttley [7k\]: considering it's black's move ....
LuoKao [9k\]: if w played there, it would be d18 instead me thinks
Javaness [5k\]: L18 seems possible
illidan [-\]: you will have to read sum's articles
Unity [3k\]: k :)
fivekiller [8k\]: chinese rule is simpler and no strange sub rules
Celila [11k?\]: hi ordiac, they are playing now, euroingcup is next to the board ^^ Catalin Taranu 5p (black) - Fan Hui 2p(white)
xevad [13k\]: might as well just play E17 and fight it out
LuoKao [9k\]: e18 even :p
TblKBA [7k\]: where can i read sums articles?
Muttley [7k\]: M13 maybe?
usagi [4k\]: Wow another ing cup game ^^
Javaness [5k\]: L14 is enough to make P13 big
usagi [4k\]: I'm glad I stayed up
chamaleon [5k?\]: TblKBA are you masochistic?
illidan [-\]: yes, japanese rules says "bent 4 in corner is dead"
;B[hf]CR[hf]C[amadis [12k\]: soooooooooo much chatter
usagi [4k\]: I didn't know catalin was a pro
illidan [-\]: seki has no points
BuddyL [7k\]: That is a ridiculous rule
tmc [?\]: [home.snafu.de]
xevad [13k\]: what would you do if black played K16 after L14
BuddyL [7k\]: seki should have points
schmock [22k?\]: why do you think D18 is better than D17?
usagi [4k\]: hi yumao
domie [5k\]: B could try to make O14 group heavy ?
BuddyL [7k\]: those are 2 points I agree with in Chinese rules
Masurao [-\]: It would have been simplier if EuroIngCup shew the name of the players instead of "EuroIngCup"
BuddyL [7k\]: But just counting surrounded area I think this is fine
GammaTau [6k\]: The Japanese rules from 1989 don't have any special bent four rule
Celila [11k?\]: he just opened a demo on kgs, masurao
Ordiac [7k\]: that a fact ?
CurieCat [2k\]: the real problem of japanese rule is disputes
Masurao [-\]: Celila : Yes, but you can edit the name if you open a demo from a file
tmc [?\]: black seems to be encouraging white to weaken f17
Celila [11k?\]: yes i know, he just didn't do it
domie [5k\]: B could try to make O14 group heavy ?
illidan [-\]: anyway, people interested should read up a little, chinese rule does have advantages
Celila [11k?\]: maybe not enough time, since he's at the tourney and they are playing live
xevad [13k\]: time to fight it out
Ordiac [7k\]: well i like those bent L's 8/
idazuwaika [2k\]: BentL = BuddyL
xevad [13k\]: white should just cut
Muttley [7k\]: hae you read it out?
ricecooker [?\]: i dont think w can cut
Chrom [11k\]: sorry, i have been away for a while, is there any connection between the game and the discussion?
xevad [13k\]: would make it easy for black if white did though
Masurao [-\]: xeved : It is better to think what implies the cut before cutting
Muttley [7k\]: no
Ordiac [7k\]: lol its go related ?
VincePL [11k\]: but its a interesting one either :)
idazuwaika [2k\]: g15 empty triangle is best
BuddyL [7k\]: so, who is good?
LordofGO [14k\]: not me
;W[ke]CR[ke]C[xevad [13k\]: there we go
Masurao [-\]: waow
Muttley [7k\]: dude ,,,,,
xevad [13k\]: heh
Muttley [7k\]: H17 trade
Yippie [9k\]: counter cut?
usagi [4k\]: black can cut too tho
VincePL [11k\]: why not h17 ?
VincePL [11k\]: b h17
usagi [4k\]: counterattack
;W[kb]CR[kb]C[VincePL [11k\]: hah :)
v0idi [11k?\]: :)
usagi [4k\]: m18?
HackenLee [5k\]: hmm i think quite a good exchange 4 w
usagi [4k\]: what would white do if black m18? hmm
Masurao [-\]: it will stabilise groups for both
idazuwaika [2k\]: this gonna involve lots of reading
Ordiac [7k\]: i cant like this for w
HackenLee [5k\]: joseki
BuddyL [7k\]: This is good for W
Ordiac [7k\]: b can get huge central influence ?
BuddyL [7k\]: L16 captured
Ordiac [7k\]: lol so what
usagi [4k\]: l16 isn't captured
BuddyL [7k\]: no?
VincePL [11k\]: yeah i think b can get away with M15
VincePL [11k\]: or...
Masurao [-\]: VincePL...
usagi [4k\]: no black can give up h17 for it maybe?
LordofGO [14k\]: symetrical shape (such as crosscut which i hate )
usagi [4k\]: black m18, what happens then
Tsingis [12k\]: i tough that too
BuddyL [7k\]: M17
Tsingis [12k\]: tought
xevad [13k\]: this is better for white no matter how I look at it
Ordiac [7k\]: id L14 i think
Tiril [6k\]: how do you know?
illidan [-\]: bot loses 2 stones
Dima87 [?\]: m17 nice triangel..-.-
illidan [-\]: does look better for black
illidan [-\]: i mean for white
Mikurox [18k?\]: Can you just stop speak and just look the game !
usagi [4k\]: if m17, black can go to n16 and white's stones on the right are stinn in trouble
xevad [13k\]: well Im weak so how would I know
Tsingis [12k\]: can some dan quess a next move and explain why?
Tiril [6k\]: I dont think kyus should comment on the game. kyus are better of askin questions
illidan [-\]: g15
usagi [4k\]: Plus I think black would still be able to live in the corner later, even after getting g14 and k13
BuddyL [7k\]: ? W would just capture then
usagi [4k\]: Well no one is saying why m18 is not good
Javaness [5k\]: it looks nice for black to capture too
lionking [2k\]: because it sucks
BuddyL [7k\]: M18 not good because of M17
illidan [-\]: by feel m18 hard to work, but need to read more
Tsingis [12k\]: so?
flush [3d\]: m18 m17 doesnt work
BuddyL [7k\]: then what does?
flush [3d\]: m18 k18
BuddyL [7k\]: that's what I meant
illidan [-\]: white has both h18 and L14
illidan [-\]: so dont think 2 stones can run away
flush [3d\]: :)
myao [8d?\]: who vs who?
usagi [4k\]: m18, k18, b n17
Ordiac [7k\]: that why id bet on L14
BuddyL [7k\]: fan vs catalin
BuddyL [7k\]: catalin B
Maruku [?\]: who is black?
Ordiac [7k\]: put some pressure on O4
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: black is catalin taranu, white is fan hui
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: but you could just read EuroIngCup's info
Maruku [?\]: thank you
BuddyL [7k\]: No need to repeat, plz
Maruku [?\]: ok
BuddyL [7k\]: Or EuroIng could maybe JUST MAYBE make an SGF file with the names displayed in the player boxes ...
yashiroker [8k\]: does not look good for black
Javaness [5k\]: people never notice the names though and end up asking who's playing anyway BuddyL
xevad [13k\]: thats what I said
LuoKao [9k\]: BuddyL, at least he's relaying the game for us.
MeGO [6k\]: wont help anyways, people still ask
chamaleon [5k?\]: always the same discussion
BuddyL [7k\]: I don't care personally, Luo
usagi [4k\]: as soon as w g17, then b h18, w h18, b g14, w ataris and black gets to defend at k13 or around
olczyk [14k\]: Guo Juan lost?
LuoKao [9k\]: then don't make comments that you do care ;)
BuddyL [7k\]: But if people thikn it's our job to look at someone's info to find out who is playing ...
MeGO [6k\]: yes
flush [3d\]: imho for demo game there should be a menu under options where you can set up evyerthing
usagi [4k\]: After that can't b still live at d17 or c17?
Tsingis [12k\]: i think some dan should comment this game.. not kyus..
Javaness [5k\]: [www.go-portal.org]
MeGO [6k\]: w+9 and on board +11
usagi [4k\]: w gets very little but maybe there's something deeper
olczyk [14k\]: B y how much did she lose?
tesuji [-\]: b can't save l17 and h17
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: kj , is there any Go tourny in Australia ?
usagi [4k\]: I know
usagi [4k\]: So what if h17 was a throwaway stone
Elferien [3k?\]: so if m18 then black has right side connected and white can either get central influence(?) or the right side(?)
usagi [4k\]: This would also follow the proverb of adding a stone from the 3rd line
usagi [4k\]: and then sacrificing both
Elferien [3k?\]: *left side for white?
Idn [5k?\]: haw much time left for black and white ?
usagi [4k\]: It seems valid for b to m18 now
LuoKao [9k\]: y not just l14, then g15?
Zog [5d\]: it seems difficulf for black
BuddyL [7k\]: I think there will be M18
Zog [5d\]: maybe just G15 now
laurents [10k\]: or even L14 then H18
BuddyL [7k\]: but I think it will not be because it works
BuddyL [7k\]: but for style
usagi [4k\]: But after G15 white would h18 right
usagi [4k\]: and b seems to have lost something. There has to be a better move if m18 doesent work
olczyk [14k\]: The problem with hoping that dans comment is that dans are generally smart enough not to make predictions and look stupid when theyare not true.
Ordiac [7k\]: b k18 can that work ?
Shanti [-\]: =)
BuddyL [7k\]: Don't give dans so much credit, olczyk
BuddyL [7k\]: They are as dumb as the rest of us
BuddyL [7k\]: just not at go
xevad [13k\]: but they read better
Tsingis [12k\]: how about n16 for black?
Tsche [1k\]: no
tesuji [-\]: yeah there are go tournaments in Australia, are you asking me?
usagi [4k\]: after b k18, it seems white will get l14 and escape
kouchi [3k\]: actually i bet there's a pretty big correspondence between rank and IQ as well
tetris [-\]: nope
GoNinja [12k\]: correlation, you mean?
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: thx tesuji, I was asking illidan
tetris [-\]: a lot of dans are very uninteresting people who just know how to play go
xevad [13k\]: your IQ could be 50 and you can be a kgs 9d
usagi [4k\]: then w o18 and it's bad for black, so b k18 can't be right
kouchi [3k\]: and the 2dk proves my point
tetris [-\]: well, not 50
tetris [-\]: but 120 maybe
idazuwaika [2k\]: i bet einstein is 30k
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: haha
Ordiac [7k\]: he loses on time
tetris [-\]: einstein has been dead a long time
laurents [10k\]: no, Einstein is dead
BuddyL [7k\]: Einstein was weak, around 20k probably
usagi [4k\]: or maybe it's better to capture at g17 instead
illidan [-\]: yeah tesuji probably knows more than me
usagi [4k\]: instead of o18
;B[ge]CR[ge]C[BuddyL [7k\]: He just barely knew the rules
illidan [-\]: there are quite a few in sydney
usagi [4k\]: awww
xevad [13k\]: I think you are overestimating
xevad [13k\]: there we go
Ordiac [7k\]: whoops there it is
GoNinja [12k\]: ddk or not, you still used poor grammar :P
BuddyL [7k\]: Looks like Buddy was right
xevad [13k\]: it definitely looks good for white now
usagi [4k\]: Now I'll never know why b m18 was wrong
BuddyL [7k\]: L16 stones captured
Unity [3k\]: oh, i would've played there too! unbelievible :P
Javaness [5k\]: I prefer black still
MeGO [6k\]: H15 stones captured ;-)
laurents [10k\]: why not L14 first? to keep some aji?
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: i prefer black too
Goblovka [13k\]: Einstein mixed up time and Space... then lost.. he never played again
chamaleon [5k?\]: illidan was rigt
idazuwaika [2k\]: hehe
;W[ld]CR[ld]C[v0idi [11k?\]: :)
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: kj I was just wondering how does the top Oz player/players compare to these 2 Euro players ?
Javaness [5k\]: c11 for black?
Unity [3k\]: i still like both, seems still pretty even to me
usagi [4k\]: Well considering how it turned out black does look ahead
BuddyL [7k\]: Looks like I'm closer to 5p than you, usagi
usagi [4k\]: Maybe this is a much more solid way to play than gambling by fighting
illidan [-\]: top Aus player probably same strength
;B[lq]CR[lq]C[usagi [4k\]: BuddyL but you can't come up with a reason why.. so I doubt you could reproduce the result in actual play
illidan [-\]: but retired
marius1 [?\]: if b m18 instead of G15, what happened ?
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: thx
Javaness [5k\]: oh this looks exciting
Ordiac [7k\]: i like that
BuddyL [7k\]: you'd be surprised
Zog [5d\]: i was right :)
Ordiac [7k\]: so all staill agree w ahead ?
xevad [13k\]: didnt someone suggest this move
Ordiac [7k\]: cos b gonna win
chamaleon [5k?\]: with your mouth buddy you surely are..
tetris [-\]: yes, BuddyL is retired, all right
NeoNemesis [-\]: who's who again?
tetris [-\]: reached 5p and just started resting on his laurels
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: retired !!! 1 of them must be aussie ^^
tetris [-\]: no need to go further
BuddyL [7k\]: w fan b catalin
tesuji [-\]: Wooly: [www.australiango.asn.au]
xevad [13k\]: check the info of EuroIngCup to find out who is who
NeoNemesis [-\]: ah thanks
LuoKao [9k\]: ah, peace. buddyl has been censored ^_^
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: thx tesuji
marius1 [?\]: can someone comment ?
;B[lo]CR[lo]C[NeoNemesis [-\]: hm... black looks ahead... but theoretically... fan hui should win... not sure
BuddyL [7k\]: Have I ever told everyone that censoring is a moron's way to pretend he got the last word?
illidan [-\]: calm
;W[mq]CR[mq]C[xevad [13k\]: no but that seems like it makes sense
Ordiac [7k\]: j5 ?
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: IF we keep quiet, I suggest illidan to be the commentator ..........
jyem [-\]: calm down andfocus on the game please
jjdh: is W Catalin ?
Unity [3k\]: hey illidan, whats ur opnion? who is better right now?
tetris [-\]: censoring is a good way to stop being bothered by morons
;B[kr]CR[kr]C[Unity [3k\]: wow, mega lag xD
ozelot [16k\]: i could be the lack of interest as well
xevad [13k\]: no
NeoNemesis [-\]: b is catalin...
xevad [13k\]: Black is Catalin
illidan [-\]: JeffChang!!
tesuji [-\]: sounds like you care a lot about it buddy....
Javaness [5k\]: if you want straight commentary you clone the game and use quiet mode
LuoKao [9k\]: censoring works wonders, tetris ;)
Javaness [5k\]: janne o/
tesuji [-\]: l2 that's interesting
Tsche [1k\]: both r good
tetris [-\]: that's what i said, luo
xevad [13k\]: I would have played M2
LuoKao [9k\]: was just reinforcing your opinion :p
Tsingis [12k\]: no one cares
Javaness [5k\]: does white need to play C3?
;B[do]CR[do]C[tetris [-\]: ah thank you :)
BuddyL [7k\]: Buddy doesn't care alot about it
usagi [4k\]: i think that white is accumulating weak spots, like d18, g3, r3, not weak spots but black has a lot of options
BuddyL [7k\]: Buddy just makes sure dorks don't get the last word
usagi [4k\]: so thats why I like black better
Tsche [1k\]: catalin has a fe days ago gainst Lee Se Dol good fighted
idazuwaika [2k\]: anybody here censors me?
jjdh: who beat Guo Jun?
BuddyL [7k\]: Fan
jyem [-\]: something unclear in my last statement ?
alexkidd [14k\]: shusaku is here !!
Ordiac [7k\]: sure i did
jyem [-\]: last warning
BuddyL [7k\]: D5 feels perfectly timed
usagi [4k\]: A weakness like black g3, d5 is leaning on that for sure, so black is trying to get ahead in territory
BuddyL [7k\]: BuddyL would not have seen this move
Javaness [5k\]: black can extend to C11 perhaps?
usagi [4k\]: If white simply defends at g4 black will c9 or something and gain .. so white should make a more active move here, maybe at d5 or f5 or something to work with those stones
Mauden: jyem "andfocus" is unclear to me
animeotaku [21k?\]: there should be a "mute" button...
Ordiac [7k\]: well looks to me black sets up a 1 v 4 groups game he will have the adv then (imho)
xevad [13k\]: it means pay attention to the game Mauden..
Idn [5k?\]: white have komi ?
Ordiac [7k\]: prolly
usagi [4k\]: Perhaps the proverb of attacking to help the weak group applies, and white should l4 or find some way to lean on black's stones on the bottom of the board
Mauden: xevad, that's my aswer for why jyem has to ask if something unclear
illidan [-\]: white has 8 points komi
tetris [-\]: komi 6.5
Unity [3k\]: 8
Idn [5k?\]: 8 point ???
jjdh: I saw the game record of Catalin V Lee Sedol, and it is fair to say Catalin too weak to play even game with Lee Sedol
tesuji [-\]: yeah, Ing rules
usagi [4k\]: Perhaps k5, j5, k6, even m7 (m7 looks like one of those pro moves)
tetris [-\]: well it's 6.5 on here
Idn [5k?\]: ok
Mauden: Ing rule is 8.0
LuoKao [9k\]: ing rule is 8 points komi
tetris [-\]: maybe it wasn't changed here
Tsche [1k\]: 8komi is too hard for b 6.5 is right
tetris [-\]: it's the default
;W[ck]CR[ck]C[Mauden: Guys, 7.5 or 8.5 or 8 and white wins when draw?
xevad [13k\]: fight
illidan [-\]: hmm c9 provocative move
EuroIngCup [-\]: komi is 8 points
illidan [-\]: the meaning of c9
Mauden: and w wins if draw?
usagi [4k\]: I think white is planning to attack black's bottom stones by jumping out with j3 and making a splitting attack..
idazuwaika [2k\]: this game has a lot of strategy
illidan [-\]: is if black g3, white can e5
Elferien [3k?\]: Whee my move.=)
EuroIngCup [-\]: not possible with ing rules a draw
usagi [4k\]: e5? mmm cool
BuddyL [7k\]: thx illidan
illidan [-\]: after black e6, there is a cut
Ordiac [7k\]: i bet its a draw if its a draw
tetris [-\]: sounds reasonable
wiggin [10k?\]: what do you mean draw isn't possible?
v0idi [11k?\]: Is white expecting black to invade around G3?
Ordiac [7k\]: f4 the continuation ?
jjdh: statistics shows B has a higher winning rate with 6.5 komi, so it is sensible to increase it
minue622 [7d\]: illidan, after white E5, black may play D6
illidan [-\]: <bold>so c9 kind of indirectly helping bottom</bold>
BuddyL [7k\]: There is a huge cap at G3, C9 is an indirect way of protecting / helping fight back vs the invasion
f3et [?\]: actually, a draw is possible in case of seki (with one mutual liberty)
BuddyL [7k\]: If I understand illidan correctly
mayngan [7k?\]: c7?
;B[ch]CR[ch]C[nkinnear [21k\]: By Ing Rules, if both players have same score, black wins
;W[db]CR[db]C[minue622 [7d\]: who is black?
;B[bf]CR[bf]C[xevad [13k\]: lose 2 points for going into byoyomi
BuddyL [7k\]: catalin
tesuji [-\]: b can lee changho style with d3 e4 g3? =)
Ordiac [7k\]: ouch b bloodlust
illidan [-\]: i feel black is playing better in the past few moves
Zog [5d\]: white has already many points !
minue622 [7d\]: u right, illidan
animeotaku [21k?\]: black aswell
minue622 [7d\]: and,,who is white?
jjdh: looks B is leading
BuddyL [7k\]: fan hui
illidan [-\]: c9 overplay
illidan [-\]: white is Fan Hui 2p
;W[ce]CR[ce]C[minue622 [7d\]: fan hui?
;B[cg]CR[cg]C[minue622 [7d\]: fan hui is an high dan amatuer?
marius1 [?\]: ni hui bu hui ?
chamaleon [5k?\]: 2p of china
NeoNemesis [-\]: fan hui is 2p?
LuoKao [9k\]: minue, check EuroInCup info
LuoKao [9k\]: EuroIngCup*
chagi [6k?\]: FanHui is a chinese pro living in Toulouse - France
Snoop [12k?\]: just for that i want to live in Toulouse :D
v0idi [11k?\]: I just heard on the radio that there was some student riot in Toulouse.
jjdh: what is FanHui's occupation in France?
marius1 [?\]: is C9 good move ?
usagi [4k\]: now it looks like white has some problems
EuroIngCup [-\]: sorry, guys made mis click long before
Elferien [3k?\]: What would be the most powerful black move in the bottom currently? just close in by capping and attack c9?
laurents [10k\]: it's alla over France
EuroIngCup [-\]: b q15 = on q14
whiteraven [12k\]: they're some student riot in any french big city
laurents [10k\]: but the riots are not go-related
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: you can change it
Ordiac [7k\]: hmm i think i would resign here 8[
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: choose edit tool from the box in the upper left corner
jyem [-\]: use the editing tools
Tsche [1k\]: b wins this game
usagi [4k\]: illidan said c9 was an overplay, when black moved c12 white defended his corner at d18.. white was not able to move against the c12 stone so that's why it was an overplay
lovehana [?\]: 2 points penalty for each 12 mins = who has to use added time will give 2 points to their rival?
octopus [3k\]: who is b?
chamaleon [5k?\]: look at the info
BuddyL [7k\]: catalin
xevad [13k\]: lovehana you get 3 of them so its only 6 points
;W[ek]CR[ek]C[octopus [3k\]: thx
marius1 [?\]: thx usagi
minue622 [7d\]: um...balck C17 looks troublesome for w,,,
v0idi [11k?\]: So is the Q15 stone misplaced? :/
R [6k\]: EuroIngCup, Is it possible to start the correct variation and to replay this demo?
BuddyL [7k\]: No need to restart
Relaxman [30k?\]: Catalin is Romanian?
lovehana [?\]: xevad, only 6 points???? I don't get it
illidan [-\]: black c17 obvious
BuddyL [7k\]: Can use editing tools to remove and replace the B stone
Ordiac [7k\]: but gote ?
v0idi [11k?\]: or at least remove the stone at Q15 and place another at Q14 with the editing tools.
xevad [13k\]: it looks like you get 3 byoyomi periods
illidan [-\]: white eventually needs another move up there
xevad [13k\]: 2 points for each time
rayen [9k\]: who are the players ?
minue622 [7d\]: its quite painful,,for w...temptmed to die
Javaness [5k\]: they are overtime periods, there is a 2point fine for entering them
usagi [4k\]: what, q15 is in the wrong place? o_O
xevad [13k\]: yes
minue622 [7d\]: btw, i hate N3 and L2 exchange,
usagi [4k\]: well something should be done, it will eventually cause a problem
stef [8k\]: Relax - yes, Catalin is Romanian
animeotaku [21k?\]: Q14 looks better :)
marius1 [?\]: black is thick on left
chamaleon [5k?\]: looks like white will have to deal with 3 weak groups..
;B[hf]CR[hf]C[kyurin [-\]: ...what's going on
;W[jd]CR[jd]C[Javaness [5k\]: you could just use the edit tool
;W[ld]CR[ld]C[Javaness [5k\]: Q14 was at Q15 by mistake
;W[mq]CR[mq]C[marius1 [?\]: Q14 instead of Q15
;B[cg]CR[cg]C[usagi [4k\]: hehe
;B[gq]CR[gq]C[metropaul: thx, euroingcup !
;W[be]CR[be]C[EuroIngCup [-\]: sorry, guys
illidan [-\]: back to b15
Javaness [5k\]: the reviewer is a strong player, he remembers the game well
Slain [11k?\]: How about time?
olczyk [14k\]: relayer
BuddyL [7k\]: i remembered the game ...
Celila [11k?\]: thank you EIC :)
Lawninja [-\]: or looks it up well :P
Goblovka [13k\]: q14 much more solid???
lovehana [?\]: euroing, 3x 12 mins overtime = 36. Why don't you write 36 mins?
R [6k\]: EuroIngCup, thanks
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 42 mins left
v0idi [11k?\]: lovehana, because there is a 2 min penalty for each 12 minutes.
EuroIngCup [-\]: w 43
BuddyL [7k\]: lovehana, they are in seperate pieces
xevad [13k\]: because penalties exist for a reason
Javaness [5k\]: entering each 12 minute period means a 2 point fine
Slain [11k?\]: thx
v0idi [11k?\]: 2 point penalty, that is
minue622 [7d\]: why this b didnt play C17? wierd..
Ordiac [7k\]: hehe so b didnt play c17
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: usually q14 leaves weaknesses like r12 and r15
Ordiac [7k\]: lol cos it was gote :)
illidan [-\]: the relay was a little wrong
Javaness [5k\]: you think G3 is smaller minue ?
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: but i think it's different because white played lightly
EuroIngCup [-\]: the connection is quite slow here in romania
minue622 [7d\]: sure, java,
;B[fh]CR[fh]C[minue622 [7d\]: too clear it's..
Relaxman [30k?\]: WHere is CATALIN from??
minue622 [7d\]: like 2+2 =4
Relaxman [30k?\]: Romania?
xevad [13k\]: ..
wauiwa [?\]: d17 was played before e9
Javaness [5k\]: yes he's from romania
Slain [11k?\]: Catalin is romanian
stef [8k\]: Relax - yes
Relaxman [30k?\]: amauter or pro?
Zog [5d\]: pro
Javaness [5k\]: professional
Slain [11k?\]: 5p
Relaxman [30k?\]: wow
Relaxman [30k?\]: i didnt think europeans had pros
minue622 [7d\]: this b is a pro?
minue622 [7d\]: 5p?
lovehana [?\]: Both pro
xevad [13k\]: Fan Hui is 2p China, playing as white
v0idi [11k?\]: We don't. Unless they become pro elsewhere.
lovehana [?\]: Maybe they move their place
Mrteffson: Euro: white move 42 was at D18, not E9
minue622 [7d\]: where this b got pro license?
marius1 [?\]: wasn t b C17 stronger than G3?
stef [8k\]: Catalin got his 5p in Japan
Relaxman [30k?\]: where did he become pro?
kouchi [3k\]: b started at age 14, was 3d in a year or two. he's written a story about it on gobase somewhere.
Relaxman [30k?\]: he lives in Japan?
illidan [-\]: now white will need a lot of skills on left side, that's where the fun starts
stef [8k\]: Now he returned to Romania
darkfriend [5k\]: w lost
Relaxman [30k?\]: cool
xevad [13k\]: black hasnt made any mistakes
;W[di]CR[di]C[BuddyL [7k\]: Interesting the number of strong players Romania has
usagi [4k\]: if anything black has held back
stef [8k\]: xevad - how do yoyu know?
NeoNemesis [-\]: catalin's good... no wonder how he managed to almost had a chance to beat lee sedol...
illidan [-\]: romania is just behind USA?
minue622 [7d\]: how can u know know that, black hanst made any mistake, with ur 13k strength? even i can not be sure of it,...
xevad [13k\]: I dont see anything out of place even though Im not SDK or a dan
;W[cj]CR[cj]C[rekoj [3k?\]: woah BuddL just sounded like yoda
rekoj [3k?\]: BuddyL even ;)
illidan [-\]: like yoda, BuddL sounded
tesuji [-\]: xevad what do you mean by mistake?
xevad [13k\]: something unusually out of place, I suppose
tesuji [-\]: hmm
BuddyL [7k\]: Pro mistakes don't come in that form
tesuji [-\]: maybe h14 was a mistake?
lovehana [?\]: How many time left for w , euro ing>
EuroIngCup [-\]: 43 mins
lovehana [?\]: and b
illidan [-\]: *poke his head*
xevad [13k\]: hmm
tesuji [-\]: maybe h14 at l14 was better?
EuroIngCup [-\]: 38 mins
illidan [-\]: *white gave an annoyed look*
kyurin [-\]: fan hui is too cool
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: neonemesis, that's funny, i thought catalin was beaten easily :)
f3et [?\]: c9 could have been one, for instance,
NeoNemesis [-\]: he was beaten quickly
lovehana [?\]: illidan, you are at there?
NeoNemesis [-\]: but if he played a ko, he could have won
illidan [-\]: yeah, catalin did well against LSD
illidan [-\]: but lost 30 points in a ko fight
marius1 [?\]: ??
marius1 [?\]: LEE SEE DOL :-)
minue622 [7d\]: xevad,,,u should just say this -> " i can not spot any mistake from black with my strenght"...rather than " black has not made any mistake",,,(quite arrogant and unreasoanbly bold comment on pro game from 13k)
lovehana [?\]: How do you know "white gave an annoyed look"
;B[dl]CR[dl]C[eristoff [6k\]: it seems that lee sedol was distracted by his wedding
NeoNemesis [-\]: lol
tudorus [-\]: so why he did well if he lost 30 points?
xevad [13k\]: well I apologize and thats what I meant
Ordiac [7k\]: Lucy in the Sky with Diamons
illidan [-\]: he did well before he lost that 30 points lol
NeoNemesis [-\]: i like how china changed lee sedol's nick name from "boy, undefeatable" to "the new groom"
tudorus [-\]: :-)
blueshoe [7k\]: surely white is overconcentrated!
blueshoe [7k\]: (at top)_
NeoNemesis [-\]: hmm i wonderif E13 works for white
ab69f [?\]: You can't be concentrated enough.
Javaness [5k\]: e13 is the shape
blueshoe [7k\]: ha ha
nilsen [20k\]: I lose a lot becus of poor concentration
NeoNemesis [-\]: i lose because i suck
illidan [-\]: yeah e13 requires a bit of reading
everin [10k\]: E13 not works f w
NeoNemesis [-\]: probably doesn't work, seeing as how black dared to D8
NeoNemesis [-\]: but still...
hmph [3k\]: B is trying to defend the adji of the bottom by attacking the C9 group?
usagi [4k\]: if e13, then black might try e12, w d12, black d13 (just a guess)
Canais [?\]: Carzy!
Ordiac [7k\]: e13 d10 i think
NeoNemesis [-\]: if d10 d12
Canais [?\]: CARZY!
usagi [4k\]: Maybe d10 would work right away without e12 first
illidan [-\]: e13 ends in ko i think
Javaness [5k\]: stop saying carzy
Tajger [10k\]: are they amateurs ?
xevad [13k\]: no
usagi [4k\]: But then white could e12... so..
Canais [?\]: Carzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Javaness [5k\]: 5p and 2p
jyem [-\]: focus on the game
blueshoe [7k\]: white is in trouble... two weak groups and black is strong
illidan [-\]: if white is amateur he would play e13
mithra [7k\]: illidan , can you give a sequence please?
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: this attack will be interesting
Ordiac [7k\]: does b haveaji near p3 btw ?
Uberdude [12k\]: how come q15 is at q14? transcriber error?
nilsen [20k\]: e13 is useless
blueshoe [7k\]: e5 is possilbe
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: uberdude, it is at q14
NeoNemesis [-\]: p3 prob not yet... later maybe
Uberdude [12k\]: or a pro tesuji? =)
usagi [4k\]: the point is e13 doesen't cut black's group off
Canais [?\]: Carzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EuroIngCup [-\]: was my mistake, just mis clicked but didn't notice
NeoNemesis [-\]: god thsi woudl be too painful for white if black gets F4
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: canais, you have to calm down
Uberdude [12k\]: ah, ok, thx
NeoNemesis [-\]: that corner would be huge
Mrteffson: anybody could explain me D8?
Valkiry [?\]: oh no.. an important game...and again NO CHAT FILTER OPTIONS :(
EuroIngCup [-\]: when i put a move on the board it takes a second before i see it
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: D8 hits eye space
jyem [-\]: clone the game valkiry
Lacrimosa [8k?\]: or eye shape, should i say
jyem [-\]: you'll be alone there
Ordiac [7k\]: and helped to reduce aji of e3
Javaness [5k\]: d8 also expands territory
olczyk [14k\]: Would cutting off C12 do anything? Looks fine by me.
NeoNemesis [-\]: white's probably reading E13
kong [2k\]: e13 seems to work
Valkiry [?\]: how does cloning allow me to filter chat?!?
jyem [-\]: no chat in cloning
NeoNemesis [-\]: the difference between pro players and me is that I move first, then read
aboulafia [9k?\]: valkiry, just reduce the chat
jyem [-\]: at least not the chats from here
nilsen [20k\]: I move first and then see what happens
Lawninja [-\]: i try instead of read :P
TblKBA [7k\]: u can turn the chat off
tmc [?\]: Is that the only difference? ;)
xevad [13k\]: difference between me and you is I cut first wait until Im in trouble and then read
ricecooker [?\]: cant u just drag that lil scroll bar up?
illidan [-\]: white should e13 here
f3et [?\]: e13 e12 d12d13 e14d10...
Valkiry [?\]: i dont mean i wanna turn off chat.. then i'd just not look at it ^^ i mean i only want to see comments of 3..6 people. instead of crazy spam of every silly dude.
NeoNemesis [-\]: yeah... whether it works or not... E13...
;W[eo]CR[eo]C[aboulafia [9k?\]: haha ...
NeoNemesis [-\]: prevent F4 firste h...
NeoNemesis [-\]: *first eh
blueshoe [7k\]: i was right1!!
aboulafia [9k?\]: censor kyus one by one, valkiry
eristoff [6k\]: blueshoe wins
blueshoe [7k\]: lucky me
Valkiry [?\]: yeah right^^ for 230 ppl...
;W[fo]CR[fo]C[blueshoe [7k\]: and i must say it was hard to see
;B[fn]CR[fn]C[xevad [13k\]: 280 people arent going all at once.. some are just watching
Ordiac [7k\]: the beginning of the end
usagi [4k\]: one of white's groups is going to die
usagi [4k\]: I may be wrong
usagi [4k\]: but it looks like white can't save them both
;W[hp]CR[hp]C[Javaness [5k\]: it is not important that they all live
Arsene [7k?\]: all white are alive
Valkiry [?\]: xevad, the previous 17 lines were for example totally what i dont want to read. but i still have to pay attention carefully, in case there's some qualified comment inbetween.
usagi [4k\]: Well black still has his bottom 3 stones to worry about, but they seem ok for now (famous last words)
blueshoe [7k\]: Valkairy, welcome to the real world
Slain [11k?\]: Valkiry, pls stop annoying, thx -.-
erna [16k\]: e9 group still in danger?!
tesuji [-\]: yes
Ordiac [7k\]: L14 time? and take huge chunk of centre in sente ?
usagi [4k\]: e9 looks like it's in danger, it has nowhere to run
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 35 mins left
usagi [4k\]: nowhere to hide
EuroIngCup [-\]: w 31
Arsene [7k?\]: but C12 not sure
Lawninja [-\]: they don't move so quickly that you wouldn't have time to browse through some rookie talk.
Arsene [7k?\]: and black D5 also
usagi [4k\]: the e9 group doesen't look like it has any way to connect to a living group so it's going to have to make quick life somehow
usagi [4k\]: unfortunately it's black's move.. will black cap at g9?
;B[cl]CR[cl]C[wauiwa [?\]: d3 now?
okel [19k\]: how much time do they have for the game?
Javaness [5k\]: oh so calm
marius1 [?\]: vs E13
BuddyL [7k\]: 72 minutes at start
Ordiac [7k\]: b indeed in no hurry
EuroIngCup [-\]: 72 mins 3x 12 overtime
usagi [4k\]: well white is pretty much surrounded
blueshoe [7k\]: e9 group is quite light, there are lots of places to attack black
tesuji [-\]: c8 is nice
wauiwa [?\]: e13 doesn't work anymore
tesuji [-\]: now e13 no problem too
tmc [?\]: The pattern round k16 has a nice symmetry.
usagi [4k\]: there's a difference between light and abandoned :>
Ordiac [7k\]: lol
usagi [4k\]: Well I am sure he will think of something, he's not pro for nothing
flogo [1k\]: (-:
Goblovka [13k\]: usagi lol
;W[fi]CR[fi]C[Uberdude [12k\]: g3 makes d2 snete for b to grow corner?
SNam [15k\]: what are their ranks?
BuddyL [7k\]: B Catalin 5p, W Fan 2p
nilsen [20k\]: 2 and 5 kyu
Relaxman [30k?\]: :))
SNam [15k\]: thanks
Ordiac [7k\]: should be 3 handi ?
Relaxman [30k?\]: 2 and 5 pro dan
Celila [11k?\]: it's a tournament, ordiac
tensan [8k\]: lol
Celila [11k?\]: all games even, nigiri to decide who's black and white
v0idi [11k?\]: Ordiac, I don't think the ranks are that linear up at the pro stage anyway.
BuddyL [7k\]: Tournament not full handi, 2 extra komi instead
tripleanon: pro never give handi to each other anyway
EuroIngCup [-\]: only first two round were nigire
Ordiac [7k\]: who is nigiri?
EuroIngCup [-\]: nigiri
;B[eh]CR[eh]C[Celila [11k?\]: ah sorry, eic
;W[gi]CR[gi]C[nilsen [20k\]: handi is an insult for pro
f3et [?\]: anyway, 1 dan pro is 1/3 dan am
marius1 [?\]: w seems to have managed well
tmc [?\]: pro ranks seem to have less to do with strength these days
;B[ei]CR[ei]C[Tempus [9k?\]: How do they decide the colour for the following rounds, then?
tesuji [-\]: e11
;B[gk]CR[gk]C[Celila [11k?\]: ranking in the tournament, tempus
olczyk [14k\]: Ouch
stef [8k\]: wow!
Isobeutel [7k?\]: isnt fan 3p ? ------->[gemma.ujf.cas.cz]
;W[gj]CR[gj]C[jyem [-\]: no, he's 2p
blueshoe [7k\]: very painful for white, i think group is getting heavier, and black will make lots of territory now
wauiwa [?\]: the rating of Fan Hui is higher than Catalin's
gorecki [-\]: is this yaoye vs aguilar game ?
Isobeutel [7k?\]: but the rating list tells another story
tesuji [-\]: no
Celila [11k?\]: no gorecki, that's next week
Celila [11k?\]: Catalin Taranu 5p (black) - Fan Hui 2p (white)
gorecki [-\]: whose games is it ?
jyem [-\]: no, that game will be next week
Celila [11k?\]: it's euro ing cup
gorecki [-\]: oh next week, cram, i thought it was just now :(
sturmfalke [18k\]: fan is white?!
alexkidd [14k\]: yes
Celila [11k?\]: read the MOFT now and then.. they changed the date
hmph [3k\]: hmm will there be any breakfast's games coming up?
gorecki [-\]: white must be upset to play g10 .
Javaness [5k\]: if solaris beats breakfast, maybe not
Tempus [9k?\]: Wins and loses with point difference as determinators, or some other way?
Ordiac [7k\]: just h9
chamaleon [5k?\]: did yaoye win the third game against Gu Li yesterday ?
sugargo [5k\]: j11 vital now ?
NeoNemesis [-\]: chen yao ye played his third game against gu li yesterday?
stef [8k\]: h9?
erna [16k\]: agree, Ordiac, h9 continues the pressure on e 10...I think
gorecki [-\]: where is Catalin from ?
BuddyL [7k\]: Romania
gorecki [-\]: ok
BuddyL [7k\]: My cooking skills are improving - just heated up some apple juice on the stove to make warm apple cider
Isobeutel [7k?\]: this is fron the actual European Rating List: No. 1 Fan Hui Club: FR Rank: 3P Rating: 2811
Isobeutel [7k?\]: so he is 3p?
Tsche [1k\]: j10 seems good
blueshoe [7k\]: how tasty buddyL !
Omniscient [13k?\]: rating 2811...do those correspond to chess rankings?
Javaness [5k\]: no the list thinks he is 3p, but he is not
Isobeutel [7k?\]: ah
Isobeutel [7k?\]: k
erna [16k\]: no, Omni...
gorecki [-\]: cette forme en haut est asses inhanituelle ^^ belle sym&#233;trie
BuddyL [7k\]: I thought I had some cinnamon to add to it but ... was mistaken
BuddyL [7k\]: please no cursing, gorecki
nilsen [20k\]: Fan always wins
leperenoel [14k\]: ha oui! c'est ennrome! 'javais aps vu!
Javaness [5k\]: salut pere noel
leperenoel [14k\]: :-)
BuddyL [7k\]: Currently B leads , uphill game for W
Idn [5k?\]: rhoo des fran&#231;ais, je me sentais bien seul ^^
gorecki [-\]: oui lep&#232;renoel
gorecki [-\]: est ce que c'est possible d'une mani&#232;re ou d'une autre de voir le debut qd on vient d'arriver ?
blueshoe [7k\]: l14 is big point
f3et [?\]: oh, y'en a d'autres :-)
leperenoel [14k\]: oui
Idn [5k?\]: option analys&#233;
alexkidd [14k\]: mais non !! je pense qu'on est nombreux en fait !! lol
leperenoel [14k\]: au dessus de la causette tu a des fleches de defilement
gorecki [-\]: ok merci
leperenoel [14k\]: c'est pour revoir els coups
gorecki [-\]: justement, les fleches sont en gris
leperenoel [14k\]: ha non!
gorecki [-\]: ^^
leperenoel [14k\]: c'est une demo
BuddyL [7k\]: Only B can play L14 right now
palomino [24k?\]: option puis analyser
BuddyL [7k\]: I don't think he will though
Celila [11k?\]: options -> view offline .. (only available if you download the client or use java webstart.. not with the applet)
f3et [?\]: c'est pourquoi il aut copier le jeu (ption : analyszer)
olczyk [14k\]: Excuse me but if people are going to kibitz in French, then clone a game in the Salle Francaise and kibitz there.
tesuji [-\]: why?
Celila [11k?\]: like this you can jump to the beginning, and review, gorecki
f3et [?\]: sorry, but this is the most interesting game around here
gorecki [-\]: yes celila, i found it, that's useful
gorecki [-\]: oh sorry olczyk, i really cannot understand english well ^^
Celila [11k?\]: they can ask questions in french, olczyk .. or kibitz .. as long as it's game related
f3et [?\]: and anyway, most kibbitz (in english) are not so interesting, either)
;B[hh]CR[hh]C[DoctorNick [3k\]: cest vrai =)
Celila [11k?\]: ;-)
Mot [-\]: agree
leperenoel [14k\]: les juoeurs sont des habitu&#233;s de KGS?
BuddyL [7k\]: ouixue la pue vo que
;W[ij]CR[ij]C[f3et [?\]: an est assez habitu&#233;, oui...
gorecki [-\]: si qq'un parle pas anglais, et aimerait comprendre les commentaires importants, j'peux traduire les plus pertinents
olczyk [14k\]: cloning a game in Salle Francaise does not prevent French speaking from watching or kibitzing. It onlyu segregates the French speaking from the English speaking.
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 24 mins left w 27
arnaud [8k\]: ok avec plaisir
f3et [?\]: fan, je veux dire
leperenoel [14k\]: ha! c'est fan!
BuddyL [7k\]: I guess W cannot be killed
flogo [1k\]: f3et, le vrai ?? (-:
leperenoel [14k\]: il a quelle couleur?
gorecki [-\]: je traduis en salle ' translation"
Javaness [5k\]: blanc
f3et [?\]: &#233;visdemment, le vrai :-)
Celila [11k?\]: Catalin Taranu 5p (black) - Fan Hui 2p (white)
kimball [?\]: not unless w comes up with a second weak group
gorecki [-\]: ^^
flogo [1k\]: hehe
leperenoel [14k\]: ha oui.. dure pour luila
Idn [5k?\]: 5p or 5d ?
BuddyL [7k\]: this is not yet time to tenuki but ... any good move recommendations?
Javaness [5k\]: 5p
caraoke [30k?\]: how can I rewind the game?.... I just came in :(
wauiwa [?\]: h9?
BuddyL [7k\]: Options -> View Offline
olczyk [14k\]: caraoke clone or view offline
caraoke [30k?\]: cool tx :D
;B[gp]CR[gp]C[BuddyL [7k\]: interesting
;W[go]CR[go]C[wauiwa [?\]: b has j2
;B[ho]CR[ho]C[tesuji [-\]: wow, nice
olczyk [14k\]: Is he sacing G3?
tmc [?\]: Although pushing through and cutting is supposed to be crude, that is at least the second this game.
BuddyL [7k\]: forcing W to eat g3 and gain a good position for B or keep b from gaining position and let G3 live
kimball [?\]: no, white must escape
;W[gn]CR[gn]C[BuddyL [7k\]: guess I need to work on reading
eristoff [6k\]: but as a gusser, you are a pro
eristoff [6k\]: *Guesser
;B[io]CR[io]C[BuddyL [7k\]: yeah, true
stef [8k\]: time left ?
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 21
marius1 [?\]: white position seems to be improving
EuroIngCup [-\]: w 24
tesuji [-\]: g3 has a lot of aji
BuddyL [7k\]: yeah
idazuwaika [2k\]: sorry i forgot.. fanhui is black?
BuddyL [7k\]: if W doesn't eat it B gains big lead in game
BuddyL [7k\]: W
marius1 [?\]: w
tesuji [-\]: hard for w to eat it
stef [8k\]: W H2 ?
BuddyL [7k\]: agreed
BuddyL [7k\]: if H2, G2
tesuji [-\]: after g2 b has e2 and
tesuji [-\]: if w hane cut
f3et [?\]: then 5 liberties gainst 4
tesuji [-\]: maybe
BuddyL [7k\]: not to mention W has 1 eye
BuddyL [7k\]: And b is in a good position to push it around
Javaness [5k\]: white should resign
f3et [?\]: ha !
Slain [11k?\]: says the 5k :-)
BuddyL [7k\]: But I think G3 cannot be killed yet
number [14k?\]: K14 J14 L14 big enough soon? or worthy enough
EuroIngCup [-\]: w is thinking about c3
jjdh: W is in tatters, unmanageable situation
Javaness [5k\]: i like parody :)
f3et [?\]: very small
;W[cq]CR[cq]C[idazuwaika [2k\]: only resign when you've read all variations.. otherwise it's just giving up
tesuji [-\]: d3?
BuddyL [7k\]: As long as B gets sente life with C8, can move G3 and has easy lead for rest of game imo
marius1 [?\]: EuroIngCup, how did u guess it ?
;B[co]CR[co]C[MateuszM [3k\]: he is seeing the game marius :)
marius1 [?\]: i know
marius1 [?\]: but hard to guess anyway
jjdh: he is pretending to be a clairvoyant :))
Celila [11k?\]: 1st you see what part of the game the person is looking at (the player) .. 2nd.. EIC doesn't seem to be a weak player himself :)
EuroIngCup [-\]: he took his hand to that point
leary [13k\]: who is playin right now?
MateuszM [3k\]: so w probably played c3 and than hesitate
EuroIngCup [-\]: that's a habit of fan
caraoke [30k?\]: maybe it's actually played - then he said he "guessed" it before he updates it for us :D
BuddyL [7k\]: You were saying, Celila?
marius1 [?\]: ok
Celila [11k?\]: buddy?
marius1 [?\]: we loose those psychological details else
BuddyL [7k\]: nothing
jjdh: Did Guo Jun lose to Catalin?
BuddyL [7k\]: no, to fan
jjdh: oh I see
EuroIngCup [-\]: guo is now playing danek
EuroIngCup [-\]: and dinerstein is playing pop
leperenoel [14k\]: is it a pro-tournament?
BuddyL [7k\]: RIP Pop :(
Dima87 [?\]: no
EuroIngCup [-\]: dinerstein has 3 points, like fan and catalin
Javaness [5k\]: pop will win
caraoke [30k?\]: semi-pro I guess... there are pro and non pro
Unity [3k\]: pop is very strong
hmph [3k\]: i support alex!
leperenoel [14k\]: ok
EuroIngCup [-\]: and very nice :)
Unity [3k\]: yeah :)
Unity [3k\]: pop is really cool :D
jjdh: are they playing all even games?
EuroIngCup [-\]: yes
BuddyL [7k\]: Next move determine's W's fate in this game
Dima87 [?\]: never seen him
Slain [11k?\]: Javaness [5k\]: pop will win << hmm, no
Dima87 [?\]: photos of Pop?
ricecooker [?\]: every move contributes to the final fate...
stef [8k\]: Pop is also Romanian, right?
Unity [3k\]: ya
marius1 [?\]: where does the tournament take place ?
Slain [11k?\]: ah, u mean that game? @Javaness
Dima87 [?\]: romania?
Slain [11k?\]: sry ;-)
jjdh: so far Catalin is the only European to have made it to Pro , isn't it?
ricecooker [?\]: dinerstein?
LordofGO [14k\]: who is leading ?
Dima87 [?\]: shikshina?-.-
LordofGO [14k\]: black ?
EuroIngCup [-\]: no, has pietsch too
jjdh: of dinner yes
EuroIngCup [-\]: hans
Dima87 [?\]: yes, but he is dead :(
Celila [11k?\]: ;(
Slain [11k?\]: :-(
idazuwaika [2k\]: :(
LordofGO [14k\]: :(
Hinek [28k?\]: :(
ricecooker [?\]: is this like a club...
BuddyL [7k\]: I believe W resign within 10 moves
olczyk [14k\]: Don't know if you count Russia as a part of Europe.
Dima87 [?\]: its europe...
ricecooker [?\]: fair point
C[tmc [?\]: part of russia is in europe
Celila [11k?\]: he's not from russia originally
marius1 [?\]: it s tense game
Dima87 [?\]: which mark do you have in geographic?^^
jjdh: that is somewhat controversial point
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: western part
;W[hq]CR[hq]C[marius1 [?\]: and pros don t give up so easily
olczyk [14k\]: Russia is often classified as part of Asia.
blueshoe [7k\]: this does not work so well for white
Dima87 [?\]: yes
BuddyL [7k\]: Which part of Russia?
Dima87 [?\]: a part
caraoke [30k?\]: but russia is not part of European union ...
gorecki [-\]: F2 G1 F1 F3 H1 G2 G1 F4 G2
gorecki [-\]: ?
v0idi [11k?\]: The majority of russia is located in Asia, but the western areas (up to the Ural mountains) are a part of Europe.
Slain [11k?\]: hmm, but in european contests there are often russian players ;-)
Goblovka [13k\]: untill Caucasus is Europe
;B[fr]CR[fr]C[Javaness [5k\]: european means a member of the EGF
v0idi [11k?\]: caraoke, neither are many other european countries
Celila [11k?\]: breakfast is not russian in origine -_-
f3et [?\]: well, you have to read the two stone edge sacriice
Javaness [5k\]: in this context geography has nothing to do with it :)
f3et [?\]: at g1
Celila [11k?\]: or we had some german pros too if you think like that
Slain [11k?\]: voidi, right, Moscow is in europe
Slain [11k?\]: ?
caraoke [30k?\]: so if they moved their capital eastward, would that make them asian? lol
idazuwaika [2k\]: maybe russia is half europe half asia
Slain [11k?\]: Celi? Who?
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: roughly.. east of Ural mtn. is considered asia
Lawninja [-\]: labels...
Lawninja [-\]: russia is russia
f3et [?\]: ko, anyway
Celila [11k?\]: there are some pro's in germany. that doesn't make them german.. or pros in italy etc.
v0idi [11k?\]: Slain, yes, Moscow is in the western Russia.
wauiwa [?\]: ko?
jjdh: I wonder how many more decades we need to wait to see the Asian monopoly on Go games
usagi [4k\]: a ko with white j2?
Slain [11k?\]: Celi, who?
caraoke [30k?\]: russia is a big red thing - and if u leave it, it'll jack up gas price :D
jjdh: .
;W[br]CR[br]C[usagi [4k\]: maybe
f3et [?\]: at j1 or c2
idazuwaika [2k\]: if dinerstein in moscow then he's european.. we're talking about european go player arent we?
Dima87 [?\]: russia is a continent^^
blueshoe [7k\]: white just gets one eye
EuroIngCup [-\]: white moved b3 of the board...
marius1 [?\]: cause g1 gives w many ko threats
Assu [3k\]: right :)
tmc [?\]: What is happening in the game? Can't white just kill here?
;B[cr]CR[cr]C[blueshoe [7k\]: wow plays ko!
;W[dr]CR[dr]C[wauiwa [?\]: oh, ko threats
f3et [?\]: ko at d2 now
blueshoe [7k\]: no cannot kill, h3 dies first
olczyk [14k\]: EIC just a accident?
idazuwaika [2k\]: ko
Javaness [5k\]: seems a terrible ko to have to start
kimball [?\]: yes, but a lot of threats there, so white will win the ko
EuroIngCup [-\]: just a accident
Zog [5d\]: what's the hell is white doing ?
f3et [?\]: not really: it will end in exchange
blueshoe [7k\]: i see... white wins ko
Uberdude [12k\]: was white h1 any better than g1?
caraoke [30k?\]: if white can turn this around I'll be a fan of fan lol..
marius1 [?\]: good ko for w cause internal threats without G1 etc
EuroIngCup [-\]: but it causes some hilarity
olczyk [14k\]: It's not about winning or losing the ko, it's what the loser gets in exchange for it.
usagi [4k\]: euroing, was the stone removed by accident or intimidation? :)
Dima87 [?\]: EuroIngCup who has already finished his games?
EuroIngCup [-\]: by accident
kong [2k\]: w g1 don't work ?
EuroIngCup [-\]: nobody
EuroIngCup [-\]: all games still on
Dima87 [?\]: ok, thx
Am [6d\]: Euro, what about another games?
gorecki [-\]: kong > i tried on analysis, fail
;B[dq]CR[dq]C[marius1 [?\]: G1 doesn t work cause of L2
gorecki [-\]: ^^
Am [6d\]: how is staying , say, Alex now?
Dima87 [?\]: Am, oni eshe igrayut vse
Unity [3k\]: euro: will u show the next round too?
marius1 [?\]: but is ko threat
EuroIngCup [-\]: yes,. tomorrow morning
Unity [3k\]: cool :D
Dima87 [?\]: aren't there only 4 rounds?
;W[gh]CR[gh]C[Slain [11k?\]: 6
Dima87 [?\]: wow :)
;W[cq]CR[cq]C[Slain [11k?\]: EuroIngCup Info -> Links
im2bad4U [10k?\]: and the stupid question..&#191;who plays in this game?
Dima87 [?\]: -.- info
usagi [4k\]: this could be a long ko fight
;B[hk]CR[hk]C[Dima87 [?\]: what are the prizes?
Javaness [5k\]: a year's supply of nuts
Dima87 [?\]: wow^^
usagi [4k\]: yes!
kong [2k\]: ifwwin the ko g1 work
blueshoe [7k\]: c1!
EuroIngCup [-\]: bajenaru-cornel 1-0
hmph [3k\]: cornel lost?
Dima87 [?\]: bajenaru is strong
stef [8k\]: How many players in the tournament in total?
Javaness [5k\]: [www.go-portal.org] for prizes
Javaness [5k\]: 24 players
marius1 [?\]: but where is this tournament ?
Javaness [5k\]: romania
marius1 [?\]: thx
;B[dq]CR[dq]C[WoolyMaCha [13k\]: Bucharest
Dima87 [?\]: i said it already :P
EuroIngCup [-\]: sin aia
EuroIngCup [-\]: sinaia in the mountains
Javaness [5k\]: i've said it 50 times
;W[ef]CR[ef]C[marius1 [?\]: so Cornel and Catalin play at home
Javaness [5k\]: i will kill the next player to ask :)
stef [8k\]: 120 km noth of Bucharest
;W[cq]CR[cq]C[Uberdude [12k\]: werd, cornel is 9d on kgs and bajaneru 8d
marius1 [?\]: are there many watchers ?
Dima87 [?\]: cornel 8d too
EuroIngCup [-\]: no, because the side tournament is at another location
marius1 [?\]: how many players?
Unity [3k\]: oh, how far is the side tourney away? Oo
;B[fk]CR[fk]C[EuroIngCup [-\]: few km's
olczyk [14k\]: A lot of ko threats out there.
Unity [3k\]: oh, then i wouldnd play the tourney! i'd rather watch this :D
EuroIngCup [-\]: me too :)
Unity [3k\]: :)
EuroIngCup [-\]: w 10 mins left
BuddyL [7k\]: Can always watch strong games later
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 13
BuddyL [7k\]: Good experience to play in tournaments for self
Unity [3k\]: but not live
;W[gs]CR[gs]C[Dima87 [?\]: Euro how strong are you?^^
Unity [3k\]: the atmosphere is just different when u watch them play live
BuddyL [7k\]: I'd rather play
EuroIngCup [-\]: as game recorder you're in the second best spot :)
Unity [3k\]: yeah :D
Dima87 [?\]: :)
tmc [?\]: There is a lot to play in 10 minutes.
EuroIngCup [-\]: there is still overtime
Javaness [5k\]: there are 3 overtime periods
tmc [?\]: but
Javaness [5k\]: 2point fine for entering each
kichiji [14k\]: what's overplay ?
Javaness [5k\]: overplay is honte
v0idi [11k?\]: ;)
kichiji [14k\]: in french ?
Dima87 [?\]: J2
tmc [?\]: overplay is unreasonable
Javaness [5k\]: mais oui
tmc [?\]: honte is correct
kichiji [14k\]: hmm , i see > thx :)
olczyk [14k\]: <slaps Javaness with a dead fish>
gruik [7k\]: overplay=abusif
RocheL [-\]: incredible..........................
;B[fq]CR[fq]C[kichiji [14k\]: lol
marius1 [?\]: honte = authentique, propre
;B[ir]CR[ir]C[v0idi [11k?\]: honte == "root move".
;W[cs]CR[cs]C[Javaness [5k\]: death \\o/
BuddyL [7k\]: B lead toobig
;B[gm]CR[gm]C[Javaness [5k\]: the right is not territory remember
Dima87 [?\]: where is the info about their prizes?
Javaness [5k\]: it's in the link i posted about 10 times
v0idi [11k?\]: consult the web site for further information. :/
Mrteffson: Eating 5 snails = honte. Eating 20 snails = overplay
v0idi [11k?\]: [www.go-portal.org]
;W[hm]CR[hm]C[v0idi [11k?\]: there.
marius1 [?\]: what s a snail ?
apagis [5k\]: c quoi snail ?
Mrteffson: escargot
apagis [5k\]: merci
BuddyL [7k\]: Wanna make money? Learn poker
Unity [3k\]: poker rox
Dima87 [?\]: ^^
gorecki [-\]: lol Mr
jyem [-\]: focus on the game
BuddyL [7k\]: Easier than this fortunately
Unity [3k\]: yeah
EuroIngCup [-\]: bogatskii win
usagi [4k\]: it looks like black is still splitting white's groups
EuroIngCup [-\]: against habu
BuddyL [7k\]: yeah
Zog [5d\]: has pierre colmez finished his game ?
Dima87 [?\]: h6
tmc [?\]: h6 looks good to me
BuddyL [7k\]: I don't have confidence in G11
;B[fl]CR[fl]C[hikaru04 [30k\]: me too
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: b h6, then w attack
;W[jq]CR[jq]C[Javaness [5k\]: but H6 ?
;B[jr]CR[jr]C[BuddyL [7k\]: leaves F7 open
;W[hn]CR[hn]C[BuddyL [7k\]: K9
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: no school today, Bud ?
;W[lc]CR[lc]C[BuddyL [7k\]: Still vacation ... and a Saturday
Javaness [5k\]: P12 ?
stef [8k\]: Who has finished the time?
Bakanezuu [?\]: Is pro game this?
BuddyL [7k\]: p12 weak
erna [16k\]: Are Pop Christian and Dinerstein playing right now too?
DrMario [3k\]: i just woke up and i thought this was still the guo juan game
blueshoe [7k\]: r9
;B[jl]CR[jl]C[WoolyMaCha [13k\]: Baka, this is a Euro tourny in real time
BuddyL [7k\]: I so called this
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: b 5p w 2p
BuddyL [7k\]: L14 best first of course
Slain [11k?\]: EIC, time?
EuroIngCup [-\]: eijkhout-jasiek 1-0
blueshoe [7k\]: buddy you claimed l14 not likely, perhaps a little off course?
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 5
EuroIngCup [-\]: w 5
v0idi [11k?\]: :/
;W[ik]CR[ik]C[BuddyL [7k\]: L14 not likely? When? 50 moves ago
v0idi [11k?\]: This might end up as a blitz game.. or then either might lose on time. :/
;B[jm]CR[jm]C[Javaness [5k\]: wow
marius1 [?\]: ??
Javaness [5k\]: blacks wants the dragon
BuddyL [7k\]: B getting J3
;W[jo]CR[jo]C[hmph [3k\]: huh>
WoolyMaCha [13k\]: small
hmph [3k\]: fanhui is taking a risk
BuddyL [7k\]: guess B gets dragon
Muttley [7k\]: not small
Muttley [7k\]: trade
Muttley [7k\]: with both hard to geta
Javaness [5k\]: fanhui is white
blueshoe [7k\]: dragon trading!
hmph [3k\]: dragon trading?
hmph [3k\]: which dragon does B lose, then?
Muttley [7k\]: don't forget, M5/K7 stones are weak
tensan [8k\]: L10?
Bakanezuu [?\]: what is dragon?
Muttley [7k\]: M5 potentially, because K7 is weak
blueshoe [7k\]: trade 2 stone dragon for 18 stone dragon
BuddyL [7k\]: M5 not weak
hmph [3k\]: m5 is alive
EuroIngCup [-\]: cocke-skochko 1-0
Celila [11k?\]: dragon is a big group that's not alive yet
kjp [6k\]: dragon=long chain of stones with 1 or no eye
Muttley [7k\]: no, black has to add a stone to live
BuddyL [7k\]: Mutt?
EuroIngCup [-\]: colmez-stodte 1-0
Zog [5d\]: yes ;)
gorecki [-\]: bonne nouvelle ca
hmph [3k\]: ?
Balator [18k\]: yipiee
tonyp [1d\]: question is whether or not b can bring any pressure to bear
kjp [6k\]: big dragons never dies
BuddyL [7k\]: Tell taht to chang hao
tonyp [1d\]: k7 stones are a little isolate
f3et [?\]: moves around N10 are sente, and protect the side
Muttley [7k\]: exactly, tonyp
;B[on]CR[on]C[BuddyL [7k\]: K7, not m5
tonyp [1d\]: and w can hope to exploit aji at k14 or run away to o14
Uberdude [12k\]: sems b has a dificult task, but bigger reward if itorks
hmph [3k\]: k7 doesn't exactly look like a 'dragon', mutt
Muttley [7k\]: black is defending that area :)
tmc [?\]: baby dragon
;W[mr]CR[mr]C[lanzhou [1d\]: The real problem was the M4 for w
Muttley [7k\]: there, one eye only
gorecki [-\]: yes, works also as a large scale attack
gorecki [-\]: ^^
BuddyL [7k\]: how 1 eye?
stef [8k\]: R12 enough for b?
lanzhou [1d\]: P6 help it and also aimed at P3, so P6 is a good defensive move
blueshoe [7k\]: l6 is very good
lanzhou [1d\]: help he M4 problem
okel [19k\]: n2 is sente?
Uberdude [12k\]: well, w has nice big corner now
gorecki [-\]: yes Ian, efficient multipurposed one
Valkiry [?\]: L12?
hmph [3k\]: but a weak dragon as well
Tsche [1k\]: L11
hmph [3k\]: j2 group is already alive
BuddyL [7k\]: yeah
revest [17k\]: The bright blessed day and dark sacred night
Bakanezuu [?\]: Fof is cool
Muttley [7k\]: how is it alive without connecting to P6?
EuroIngCup [-\]: b 2pts penalty
BuddyL [7k\]: G1 dead
EuroIngCup [-\]: overtime now
gorecki [-\]: who ?
hmph [3k\]: exactly
flush [3d\]: how about w
HKR [2k\]: b or w
Muttley [7k\]: complete misread, sorry :)
apagis [5k\]: tell us how to kill this K2 Muttley please
EuroIngCup [-\]: 3 mins left
lanzhou [1d\]: the cut at M4 is sente, because of H1
yashiroker [8k\]: for b?
lanzhou [1d\]: w
yashiroker [8k\]: 3mins
BuddyL [7k\]: Mutt's mind: W f2, B l3, W e1
lanzhou [1d\]: I mean earlier
hmph [3k\]: both will get the first penalty it seems
v0idi [11k?\]: unless either one resigns. :=)
go [10k?\]: black gave away a lot
Bakanezuu [?\]: what is this penalty?
Javaness [5k\]: p6 very big though
f3et [?\]: L2 ill B eye spe
Illo [8k\]: to get more...if he can make it
lanzhou [1d\]: P6 helped both the M4 cut problem and the connection to the K7 group, to an extend, and aimed at the P3
f3et [?\]: L2 kill black eye space
lanzhou [1d\]: P6 is a pro move
Bakanezuu [?\]: why n2?
Pinguschaf [4d\]: every move here is pro move ;)
lanzhou [1d\]: I mean top pro move
EuroIngCup [-\]: maybe b should have played n2 before p6?
Uberdude [12k\]: what was p3 threat? P6 M10 P3 P4 N2 O3 O2 P2

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
18, March, 2006 23:37   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    0     

Провал западно-европейского го на турнире Инга...
Если посмотреть на списочный состав участников, то можно увидеть, что западную европу представляют лишь 6 человек.
Stodte, Christian
Jasiek, Robert
Cocke, Matthew
Eijkhout, Michiel
Colmez, Pierre
Vanderstappen, Filip
Причем, лишь последний в этом списке голландец Ван Дер Стаппен имеет 3 из 4.
Четверо (!), первые по списку, набрали по 1 очку.
Колмец имеет 2 из 4. При этом шансов на призы (первые 4 места) у западников совсем не много.

В турнире очень сильно выступают румыны. Лучше, чем западники и русские. Лучше румын выступают лишь азиаты.

С моей точки зрения, эти результаты свидетельствуют, что в европе го среди коренных европейцев становится простой забавой. При таких результатах я не вижу инвесторов в европейское го среди европейцев....

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Seneka на rugo.ru Гость
19, March, 2006 16:00   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    -1     

Как прошел просмотр на Никитской в пятницу?
Сожалею, что не смог присутствовать

Я спросил у высокого солнца: Как мне вспыхнуть сильнее зари? Ничего не ответило солнце, Но душа услыхала: «Гори»! К. Д. Бальмонт

Прогресс нашей страны не может быть более быстрым, чем прогресс нашего образования. Дж. Кеннеди

Re: Фан-клуб Кубка Инга.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
19, March, 2006 17:59   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
 +    0     

Ну что.... можно подвести итоги.
Первое место занял Фан. У нас его почти никто не знает. Сейчас можно уже кое-что сказать об этом парне.
Профи. Кажется, 2 дан. Китаец. 23 года. После трансляции игр с Кубка Инга очевидно, что он играет очень и очень сильно.
Удивительным образом он вытащил партию против Попа. Выигрыш его составил 1 очко, при том, что у Попа было на 2 очка штрафа больше. Т.е. если бы Поп играл чуть быстрее, при этом же качестве, он бы выиграл.

Второе место занял Динерштейн. Лично я рад, что в последнем туре он не сыграл с Фаном. Второе место - это хорошо. После проигрыша Попу он не имел право проигрывать, и эта лишняя ответственность могла стать слишком большим грузом. Сыграть с Фаном они еще успеют.

Очень сильно выступили румыны. Сразу трое набрали 4 из 6. Очень высокий результат. Этот результат, наверное, не может устроить лишь Тарану.

Все остальные наши ребята набрали по три очка. Не думаю, что этот результат обрадовал Шикшина Илью. Или, скажем, Кулькова. В тоже время я бы не стал называть это провалом...

Будем ждать новых турниров...

Фан (черные) - Кристиан Поп.
Сахабутдинов на rugo.ru Знаток Го
19, March, 2006 18:30   Об авторе Фотографии автора Партии автора Набор Го автора
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